Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Reason

After almost losing Luke in a tragic accident in the Moloka’i Hoe Canoe Race on October 10, 2010, I began to feel very vulnerable to the possibility of an “end.” While Luke spoke of his overwhelming feeling of love for everything in this world, I spiraled down a whirlpool of fear.  Since 10/10/10 I felt like I was moving at a pace just a few steps behind him, over analyzing every move, every thought, and every thing that was going on around us.  My actions and thoughts chased me during the days as I watched him relearn how to walk, sit, step, and regain his strength.  My nights were filled with haunting dreams of losing everything.

I agonized over my fears quietly, veiling a false strength to aid Luke in his recovery.  While I kept trying to be his rock through his pain and suffering, I felt like I was slowly breaking into pieces inside.  Every ache of the heart truly felt like an icy crack of my humanity.  I began to feel empty, almost lifeless.  But one thing saved me.  I read Luke’s post on “Love, Life, and Awareness.”  However, instead of finding beauty and clarity in the world, I began to feel hope.  Through rebuilding ourselves, we will be rebuilding our entire way of life.

We have grappled over the years to live our lives in a manner that is vital to the sustainability and recovery of our earth.  In no way have we succeeded in doing so.  After all that has happened, Luke and I are taking this goal and hitting it head on in 2011.  While we will be trying to live off the grid, I am hoping that the ups and downs of this journey will heal the scars of my humanity and allow me to be a rock for my family. 

While Luke will be fighting to make us completely self-sufficient, I will be trying to allow myself to open up and face fear straight on.


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